Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Obama vs Clinton vs Edwards: Election Fencing

Why do most politicians insist on focusing most of their energy on making negative statements about their opponents? More often then not, these accusations consist of taking an opponents word's, mutilating them and then further twisting them out of context and proportion. Thinking about the 3 front-runner candidates in the democratic party, the picture comes to mind, of a couple of elementary school children quarreling over a toy. Then there is the one honest and mature child who tries to point out to the other two that their quarreling is accomplishing nothing except wasting precious recess time. And don't even get me started on the republicans! They are more likened to pre-schoolers arguing just for the sake of being in control! They are exponentially worse!

The democratic debate in South Carolina this past week was more of a fencing match then a debate of candidates seriously discussing important issues. I fully expected to see Hillary pull a sword out of her belt and shout "Un-Guard" to Barak! They may as well have, as their words were a barrage of attempts to injure one another with the sharpness of their words.

Just as Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama's arguing was getting over-heated and out of hand, John Edwards stepped out in between them (figuratively of course) as a teacher would two elementary children who were out of control, and firmly told them that they were getting absolutely nothing accomplished. "How do you expect to get health care to uninsured children with this kind of squabbling" he said with an obvious look of shock and disgust.

It was one accusation after another, leading to one defense after another. Hillary accused, Obama defended. Hillary accused, Obama defended. I spoke with a group of registered democrats who met to watch the debate together and then discuss it afterwards.

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